High bar, low fences - the yin and yang of wine drinking

High bar, low fences - the yin and yang of wine drinking

One of my guiding lights at Horns is the phrase “High Bar, Low Fences.” High bar means that I want to introduce you the best wines. On the other hand, low fences means I want to destroy the snooty, stuffy, self-serious air that’s common in the wine world. It’s a delicate balance, the yin and yang of wine drinking.
April 23, 2024 — Chase Beakley
Tags: Wine
Don't tell anyone else about Fino Sherry

Don't tell anyone else about Fino Sherry

At Horns HQ here in Dallas, we're smack in the middle of another scorching summer. When it's 105 outside you gotta put all bullshit aside and reach for something simple and refreshing. I'm also not looking for syrupy sweetness at the height of a heat wave. Enter Fino Sherry. 
July 18, 2023 — Chase Beakley
Tags: Wine
Just Drink Riesling

Just Drink Riesling

In Texas, we have a maximum of three weeks of spring weather and it's usually spread across several months during which we lurch forward into summer and back into winter at random. So when we get a sunny and 75 day, you have to capitalize on it. 
April 12, 2023 — Chase Beakley